Saturday, February 21, 2009

New Year, New Try

Okay, so I've had this blog for...oh, about a year now. And I haven't known what to do with it. A friend recently reminded me of the pile of books in my office, many of which I've read, others which are waiting for me to read. So, that being said, for the moment, I'm going to post my reviews of my reads. And I'm starting with a doozy! This book was instructive and eye-opening. I highly recommend it.

The Kingdom of the Occult by Walter Martin is the kind of book every believer should, if not own, then at least read thoroughly and thoughtfully. With every 'new' idea that bombards contemporary society, it's imperative to know how it compares and conflicts with traditional Christianity. I feel the material contained in this book is even more important for parents today than ever before. Parents with children in today's schools need a clear understanding of what they're exposed to, if not from the teachers' own perspectives, then from what other kids share under the guise of something 'new'. It's too easy for assume those 'new' ideas are just innocent fads that will pass by. Unfortunately, they're not, and kids are especially vulnerable to the lure of the 'new' and different from that for which their parents stand. This book helps the reader identify and crystalize the response needed in the face of the waves of 'new' beliefs that seem to come more rapidly each day. One warning: this isn't the kind of reading you can do in a weekend. While very readable in style, the material requires thought and consideration. I'm very glad I allowed myself the luxury of a number of months to pore over the information, to check with Scripture, to consider my responses, and, maybe most importantly, to devise a response for the time when one is required of me. But don't think this is just a reference book. It's far more, and I recommend it to any thinking person, believer or not.

See ya with the next read!


Miralee Ferrell said...
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Miralee Ferrell said...

Hi Ginny!! Hey...your most recent post is way back in Feb...and it says you're going to start doing regular reviews....Hmm....

But I know you've been swamped with "life", and it's been a long summer. I'd love to see more of them when you have time. And by the way...loved spending time with you at the Denver airport and getting to laugh and relax. It was such a pleasure getting to know you! Keep in touch~! Hugs~

Miralee Ferrell said... me at net, would you? I want to ask you a question about our airport adventure! Miralee